The character Animation making involves the following: 3D game character Animation, film character Animation, advertisement character Animation and character Animation and so on. Usually, the making procedures of Digital Light Magic Animation computer character Animation is as follows: 1. Divide the overhauling according to the originality playbook, and draw the overhauling actions, so as to make a preparation for the making of 3D; 2. Establish story scene, characters and the simple models of the properties in 3D; 3. The 3D simple property models are made according to the playbook and overhauling story plate to form the 3D story plate; 4. Actor model, 3D scene and 3D property model are precisely made in the 3D software; 5. Make the color, texture and sense of reality for the 3D model according to the play design; 6. Set the actions for the models (mainly the characters) which need Animation in 3D before Animation, in accordance with the analysis of the story plot; 7. Make all the acting Animations of each scene for the characters and other objects which need Animation according to the scene of the overhauling story plate and time; 8. Set the light for the Animation scene to romance the atmosphere; 9. Set the Animation specificity; 10. Match and compound the dub, background music, sound effect, caption and Animation one by one in the post- production, and complete the whole character Animation at last. |